Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Presence, praise and gentleness

Philippians 4: 4-5
Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice!
Let your gentleness be known to all men. The Lord is at hand.

First, this is striking to me right now, as it is an adamant command. I have been so convicted that my Lord is telling me to do something that I have purposely set aside so often.

Second, it sets me to pondering the relationship between this command and the instructions around it. Before this command is the admonition to the two fellow workers in the gospel to be of the same mind...and for those around them to help them. If there is known sin, bitterness, disunity, it seems that is will effect our rejoicing. We must keep very short accounts in our relationships, especially those who are of the household of faith.

Many of us lady's wish we were more gentle. Perhaps many of the men wish we were too. And many women admire the strength of gentleness when exhibited by our men. Gentleness is sandwiched between rejoicing and remembering the Lord's continual presence (or some would say imminent return). If we are rejoicing, how much more will be aware of the Lord's presence. If we are aware of the Lord's presence, how much more will both rejoice and be gentle. This seems to be a vital key which so many of us have rattled off as a memory verse without deeply contemplating the implications.

I'd love to hear in the comments how you have experienced this in your lives
a. unity that enhanced your rejoicing
b. Rejoicing that enhanced your awareness of the Lord's presence or your gentleness
c. Awareness of the Lord's presence that enhanced your rejoicing or gentleness
d. any other thoughts that you have

Thanks for sharing this journey with me!

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